CdaMVvWgS is the short name for a swiss club called: Club der am Montag Vormittag vom Wahnsinn getriebenen Schüler (in English: Club of pupils who are crazy on Monday afternoon) homepage
I'm very interested in Nauru. I can't speak its language, but I'm wanting to learn it. On the English and German Wikipedia I created many articles about Nauru.
Wikipedia:Babel | |||||||||
Proposal for country names
As we have now Nauruan translations for some countries, I corrected my list. All bolded countries are definitive Nauruan toponyms. The unbolded are not definitive and shouldn't be created yet until we have translations for them. If they are already created, they'll be left until we move it to the Nauruan name.
As of April 18, 2006, this is my definitive list of Nauruan country names; it is recommended to use (and move existing articles to) these provisorily-definitive names until we have an official confirmation by Nauruan authorities.
- Afghanistan -> Apeganitan
- Albania -> Arbainiya
- Algeria -> Ardjiriya
- Andorra -> Andorra
- Angola -> Angora
- Antigua and Barbuda -> Antigua me Barbuda
- Argentina -> Ardjentina
- Armenia -> Arminiya
- Australia -> Otereiriya
- Austria -> Oteriya
- Azerbaijan -> Aderbaidjan
- Bahamas -> Bahamat
- Bahrain -> Bahrain
- Bangladesh -> Bangradet
- Barbados -> Barbadot
- Belarus -> Berarut
- Belgium -> Berdjiyum
- Belize -> Berij
- Benin -> Benin
- Bhutan -> Butan
- Bolivia -> Boribiya
- Bosnia and Herzegovina -> Boteniya me Erdegobina
- Botswana -> Botwana
- Brazil -> Bradir
- Brunei -> Brunei
- Bulgaria -> Borgeriya
- Burkina Faso -> Burkinabato
- Burundi -> Burundi
- Cambodia -> Kambodja
- Cameroon -> Kamerun
- Canada -> Kanada
- Cape Verde -> Keip Berde
- Central African Republic -> Ripubrikin Aprika Yugaga
- Chad -> Tsiad
- Chile -> Tsile
- China -> Tsiene
- Colombia -> Korombiya
- Comoros -> Komorot
- Congo, Republic of -> Ripubrikin Kongo
- Congo, Democratic Republic of the -> Ripubrikit Engame Kongo
- Costa Rica -> Kosta Rika
- Côte d'Ivoire -> Aibori Kot
- Croatia -> Kroaitsiya
- Cuba -> Kiuba
- Cyprus -> Taiprus
- Czech Republic -> Ripubrikin Tsiek
- Denmark -> Denemark
- Djibouti -> Djibuti
- Dominica -> Dominika
- Dominican Republic -> Ripubrikin Dominika
- Ecuador -> Ekwador
- Egypt, Arab Republic of -> Idjipt
- El Salvador -> Ersarbador
- Equatorial Guinea -> Gini t Ekwador
- Eritrea -> Eritrea
- Estonia -> Etoniya
- Ethiopia -> Itiyopiya
- Fiji -> Bidji
- Finland -> Pinrand
- France -> Prant
- Gabon -> Gabun
- Gambia -> Gambiya
- Georgia -> Djiordjiya
- Germany, Federal Republic of -> Djermani
- Ghana -> Gana
- Greece -> Grit
- Grenada -> Grenada
- Guatemala -> Guatemara
- Guinea -> Gini
- Guinea-Bissau - Gini-Bitau
- Guyana -> Guyana
- Haiti -> Aiti
- Honduras -> Ondurat
- Hungary -> Ungari
- Iceland -> Aiterand
- India -> Indjiya
- Indonesia -> Indonitsiya
- Iran, Islamic Republic of -> Iran
- Iraq -> Irak
- Ireland, Republic of -> Ripubrikit Airerand
- Israel -> Iteraer
- Italy -> Itari
- Jamaica -> Djamaika
- Japan -> Djapan
- Jordan -> Djordan
- Kazakhstan -> Kadaketan
- Kenya -> Keniya
- Kiribati -> Kiribat
- Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (North Korea) -> Ripubrikit Engame Korea
- Korea, Republic of (South Korea) -> Ripubrikin Korea
- Kuwait -> Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan -> Kirgitan
- Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos) -> Raot
- Latvia -> Ratebiya
- Lebanon -> Ribanon
- Lesotho -> Resoto
- Liberia -> Ribiriya
- Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (Libya) -> Ribiya
- Liechtenstein -> Riketentein
- Lithuania -> Rituainiya
- Luxembourg -> Ruketemburg
- Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of -> Matedoniya
- Madagascar -> Madagatekar
- Malawi -> Marawi
- Malaysia -> Maraidja
- Maldives -> Mardib
- Mali -> Mari
- Malta -> Marta
- Marshall Islands -> Madjol
- Mauritania -> Moritaniya
- Mauritius -> Moritsiut
- Mexico -> Meketiko
- Micronesia, Federated States of -> Eben Oning
- Moldova, Republic of -> Ripubrikin Mordowa
- Monaco -> Monako
- Mongolia -> Mongoriya
- Montenegro -> Montenegro
- Morocco -> Moroko
- Mozambique -> Modambik
- Myanmar (Burma) -> Miyanmar
- Namibia -> Namibiya
- Nauru -> Naoero
- Nepal -> Nepar
- Netherlands, Kingdom of -> Niterand (Eben Eyong)
- New Zealand -> Niu Djiran
- Nicaragua -> Nikaragua
- Niger -> Nidjer
- Nigeria -> Naidjeriya
- Norway -> Norwei
- Oman -> Oman
- Pakistan -> Pakitan
- Palau -> Parau
- Panama -> Panama
- Papua New Guinea -> Papua Niu Gini
- Paraguay -> Paraguai
- Peru -> Peru
- Philippines -> Eben Piripin
- Poland -> Poran
- Portugal -> Portsiugar
- Qatar -> Katar
- Romania -> Romainiya
- Russian Federation -> Ratsiya
- Rwanda -> Ruwonda
- Saint Kitts and Nevis -> Tent Kitt me Newit
- Saint Lucia -> Tent Rutsiya
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -> Tent Bintent me Eben Grenadein
- Samoa -> Tamoa
- San Marino -> Tanmarino
- São Tomé and Príncipe -> Tautome me Printipe
- Saudi Arabia -> Taudiarabiya
- Senegal -> Tenegar
- Serbia -> Terbiya
- Seychelles -> Teijel
- Sierra Leone -> Tsierareone
- Singapore -> Tsingapoar
- Slovakia -> Tsirobakiya
- Slovenia -> Tsirobeniya
- Solomon Islands -> Toromen
- Somalia -> Tomariya
- South Africa -> Tautaprica
- Spain -> Pain
- Sri Lanka -> Triranka
- Sudan -> Tudan
- Suriname - Turiname
- Swaziland -> Wadirand
- Sweden -> Widen
- Switzerland -> Witsierand
- Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) -> Tsiriya
- Tajikistan -> Tadjikitan
- Tanzania, United Republic of -> Tandaniya
- Thailand -> Taeran
- Timor-Leste (East Timor) - Tsimor
- Togo -> Togo
- Tonga -> Tonga
- Trinidad and Tobago -> Trinidad me Tobago
- Tunisia -> Tunitsiya
- Turkey -> Terki
- Turkmenistan -> Terkmenitan
- Tuvalu -> Tubaru
- Uganda -> Uganda
- Ukraine - Ukraine
- United Arab Emirates - Emireitit Arabiya
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland -> Ingerand
- United States of America -> Eben Merika
- Uruguay -> Uruguai
- Uzbekistan -> Udebekitan
- Vanuatu -> Banuatu
- Vatican City -> Batikan
- Venezuela -> Beneduera
- Viet Nam -> Bitinam
- Yemen -> Yemen
- Zambia -> Dambiya
- Zimbabwe - Tsimbabwe